About Us

ClinTrial Refer
What we do
ClinTrial Refer is an award-winning Australian digital innovation developed by Haematology clinical researchers in Sydney to solve the problem of clinical trial patient referral and recruitment. It is widely used across a variety of areas of medicine in Australia and overseas. The mobile app and website platform allows doctors and patients to independently search for actively recruiting clinical trials and to access trial site locations and contact details in real time.
ClinTrial Refer provides access to clinical trials at your fingertips. The apps digital footprint means that information can be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time.
Executive Leadership
Co-founder and Executive Manager

Roslyn Ristuccia
BSc (Grad Dip Comp Sc); MSc (ClinEpi)

Professor Judith Trotman
Research Advisor

A/Professor Christopher White
MBBS (Hons) , FRACP, PhD
Our Team
Christine Zahren
MAppSc (Acu), BSN, RN

Business Development Manager
Megan Kaladelfos
B. Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Hons

Quality Assurance & Training Manager
Our Advisors
Professor Heiko Spallek

Academic Lead Digital Health & Health Service Infomatics of The University of Sydney
Dr James Lynam

Medical Oncologist
Dr Gordon McGurk

Chair - Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee
Adam Stoneley

Research Operation Manager for the Icon Group
Prof Nada Hamad

Senior Staff Specialist Haematologist
Dr Jeremy Hudson

Clinical Director, North Queensland Skin Centre
Supporting Better Health
Our Awards
- Citeline Awards-Best Patient-Facing Technology Initiative FINALIST
- CARE Clinical & Research Excellence Awards-Best Patient-Focused Technological Development – FINALIST
- Health Roundtable Beyond 2019 Accelerating Innovation Shark Tank – WINNER
- Finalists for the Society for Clinical Research Sites Asia-Pac Site Patient Recruitment Innovation Award (SPRIA AP)
- NSW Award Gala Dinner – FINALIST
- HeroX Clinical Innovation Prize – WINNER
- Australian Information Industry Association – FINALIST
- Premier’s Awards for Public Service -FINALIST
- Premier’s Award for Outstanding Cancer Research Innovation in Cancer Clinical Trials
- NSW Health Innovation Awards, Building Partnerships Awards – FINALIST
- NSW Health Innovation Awards, Director General’s Award for Integrated Care – FINALIST