For Patients & Carers

What is ClinTrial Refer?
ClinTrial Refer is a mobile app and website platform that allows you to find current clinical trials that might be relevant to you or someone you know.
ClinTrial Refer allows you to view important clinical trial details so you can determine if a study might be suitable. ClinTrial Refer provides access to important eligibility criteria, trial site location and contact information to allow for direct enquiries.
The app can also be used to discuss potential trials with your doctor.

Why Use ClinTrial Refer?
Clinical trials are research investigations where people volunteer to test new treatments and interventions. Clinical trials explore new ways to prevent, detect, treat or manage various diseases and medical conditions.Clinical Trials are the best way to provide evidence for the safety and effectiveness of new treatments.
Sometimes currently available treatment choices may not be effective in helping patients with a particular medical condition or there are no treatment options available. Clinical trials provide access to new and cutting edge treatments in development and may offer benefit to patients in these circumstances.
Healthy volunteers can also play a role in supporting the discovery of new treatments and interventions. Sometimes people have a personal interest in helping support discoveries due to having a friend or family member affected with the disease or condition being investigated.
When to use ClinTrial Refer?
ClinTrial Refer allows you to view important clinical trial details at your convenience. You can search for trials at home or it can be used when visiting your doctor to review potential options. Clinical trials do not offer guaranteed improved health outcomes so it’s important to determine if a clinical trial is right for you.

ClinTrial Refer is free to download and to use for health care professionals, patients and carers.
Website Search
You can search for clinical trials on the website using the “Search All” trials button which can be accessed on the homepage or here.
If you are specifically seeking ‘Healthy Volunteer’ studies or ‘COVID’ trials select these search options
Want to Know More about how ClinTrial Refer works ?
Patient Stories

Michael Van Ewijk
Michael Van Ewijk Patient – user of ClinTrial Refer “I am grateful that ClinTrial Refer enabled me to be at the cutting edge of medical

Carem Mehrez
Carem Mehrez Patient Carem Mehrez’s four rounds of chemotherapy didn’t save him, but a new trial did — and now people like Carem have greater