'Thank you Liver Foundation for your support in raising awareness of ClinTrial Refer as a resource to find current clinical trials'
ClinTrial Refer supporters play a critical role in raising awareness of ClinTrial Refer as a valuable tool to connect to current clinical trial options.
We’d like to acknowledge and thank the Liver Foundation for their support in helping raise awareness of ClinTrial Refer as an important resource to access current clinical trials.
Liver Foundation is Australia’s national peak body that works across all liver diseases. Since 1995, they have been working to ensure liver health is a priority for all and they connect liver patients to vital resources and services to help them manage their condition and achieve a better quality of life.
Liver Foundation fund life-changing research and delivers support that gives hope to people living with liver disease or liver cancer. They also advocate for policy change and champion equitable access to treatment and care.
Liver Foundation provide a holistic view of all causes of liver disease in children and adults. They strive to create a healthier community through promoting liver health and raising awareness and early detection of liver disease.
To learn more about the Liver Foundation, click here.